Thursday, April 23, 2009

Is it Friday yet?

The morning began bright an early at 3:45. I got to the gym at's legs day. I'm hoping all this hard work will yield a tight ass. After sweatin' like whore in church for an hour and a half, I hit the showers. I get to the office only to find Harms is sad and having a bad morning. Shall I hold her like a baby? Perhaps a hug will be sufficient. Maybe we can spoon in the janitor's closet later this afternoon.

I log on to my computer and my sister IMs me. What? She almost got shanked at the gym?! Holy Toledo! As it turns out, her run-in with the Queen Latifah look alike wasn't that exciting. She just shot her the stink eye from across the gym, but I can see how one could be intimidated by Queen Latifah wearing a sports bra and pumping iron like prisoners do in "the yard."

So, I've been doing some online shopping trying to find the perfect Christian Louboutins when all of a sudden...bubble guts! I'm sick. I'm puky and Harms is in tears. This is not how I envisioned our unproductive Thursday to be. I'm going home and taking a nap. We will be in full effect tomorrow, so watch your back sucka!

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