Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Truly, Truly, Truly Outrageous

When I was young, I wanted to be famous. I thought it would be fun to be a rockstar and have an entourage. It seemed reasonable to model myself after Jem and my friends could be the Holograms. No one ever told me Jem was really a whore who wore too much makeup. "Synergy" wasn't really a holographic synthesizer used to transform Jem into a rockstar, it was just her code word for cocaine.

I used a lot of Synergy in my twenties, and I didn't end up with a record deal, nor did I have a boyfriend who looked anything like Rio. Not to mention the Holograms didn't turn out to be such good friends. They were just along for the ride and free blow. My line up of Holograms has seen more changes than Destiny's Child. Needless to say I'm still waiting to move into the Starlight Mansion, but with these economic times, I don't see that happening anytime soon. I guess we will have to reopen the Starlight House, but this time it will not be a foster home for underprivileged girls. It will be a whorehouse. Orphans don't generate enough income. This will be truly outrageous.

1 comment:

  1. The kissing scene of Jem and Rio, and how The Misfits sabotaged Jem almost kill her at the snowfield avalanche....

    ...if only all drama in life suddenly broke into song and dance.
