Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Call Me Now!

I talked to Miss Cleo and she said Harms and I were going to win the Manchester lottery. I think I believer her. I mean, how could you doubt that face…and that turban? People in turbans are very trustworthy, right? Needless to say I am pretty jazzed about her prediction. Not even my Magic 8 Ball could foresee such fantastic riches. The best part is I only had to pay $275.98 for the call. The first minute was not free because she called me collect from prison, but that will be a drop in the bucket compared to our winnings. You may caution me against taking her advice, but rest assured clairvoyance works within prison walls.

I will not reveal our winning numbers as Harms and I want to be the only winners. We have big plans of taking our unicorn to the Galleria and buying manicure supplies and wigs from the kiosks in the middle of the mall. Our nails and hair will shine like the top of the Chrysler Building. This will give people yet another reason to hate us. We don’t mind because there are plenty of those who adore us. And they will receive a complimentary wig for their loyalty.

1 comment:

  1. I am SO excited about our winnings!!! All we need to do is provide them with our social security # and blood type and we're in. Can't wait to take a picture with our big check!

    I will use part of my winnings to put a big wall around my desk so our douchebag of a boss can stop performing his streches in front of me each morning.
