Friday, May 1, 2009

Do you think she sings in the shower?

$940 / 1br - williamsburg loft

its a 4 bedroom loft style apt. 1 bathroom huge kitchen/living room. 1 stop into manhattan on the L train. tons of bars/restaurants/shopping in the area. amazing roof/view

if its just for the month thats fine, but theres a chance you can sign the lease in june if everyone gets along

$940/month plus utilies

please let me know soon!

My god, this is like the Best. Apartment. Ever. I get to live with Aretha Franklin and that random hipster dude! Or is that a girl? Who cares! I’d be living with the freakin’ Queen of Soul and a hipster androgynous person who are both wearing massive bows! We could sit around all day making sure that all of our bows match the sofa. And we could worry about that strange glow emanating from the kitchen, but I know Aretha Franklin would protect me from it.

The hipster dude/tte and I could discuss how great his/her current favorite band is, until three days later when s/he decides they’re too popular to like anymore and that s/he has a new favorite band that nobody’s ever heard of because they haven’t even formed yet. And then Aretha would come in and start bellowing “R-E-S-P-E-C-T” and we’d be like, “Aretha, calm down, we’ll do the dishes in a minute.” And the glittering light from her Swarovski crystal bedazzled bow would light up the New York evening, and oh, how we’d laugh...

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